Rafael Ospino

Rafael Ospino

Consultant in cleantech and energy conservation. A hopelessly optimistic individual whose absolute conviction is that the solutions to most of humankinds worries already exist. The only problem is how to get our rulers to implement them... President of the board of the Högdalen Group industrial association Member of the board of the City of Stockholm Industrial areas association Member of the board of Friends of Stockholm Street Festival Member of the Swedish Federation of Business Owners Energy Group Member of SVEBY (Standardize and verify energy performance in buildings) reference group Participant in the ministry of industry "Green Industry Development" industry dialogue Participant in the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth dialog for simplified public procurement Participant in the governments coordination board for Smart Energy Grids dialogue forum Member of the Energy & environmental association Member of the Energy & environmental association technology group "Building Automation" Editor of Wikipedia "Project Energy and Environment" The company's representative in the City of Stockholm Climate Alliance Member of the Swedish tenants association negotiations advisory board Member of the Swedish tenants association Stockholm council Police volunteer Member and volunteer of the Red Cross Author in "Sustainable Construction" magazine Member of IFMA Jury member in FutureCity The company's representative in Stockholm Cleantech The company's representative in Copenhagen CleanTech Cluster The company's representative in Stockholm EcoTech Member of the Swedish Chemical Society

Rafael Ospino Teknikrådgivare

ROT har lång erfarenhet inom miljöteknikområdet och är speciallist på att förlänga livslängden och förbättra energieffektiviteten i vätskeburna installationer för kylning, värmning och värmeåtervinning.

Ny rapport: 10 % mat ska komma från Stockholms Stad

Ny rapport – 10 % mat ska komma från Stockholms Stad Trygg livsmedelsförsörjning är en grundläggande hållbarhetsfråga för många storstäder. Det har gjort att klimatsäker urban livsmedelsproduktion, så som växthus och andra skyddade odlingsmiljöer, har vuxit i städerna runt om…